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    How to Store an Outdoor Cushion
  • In order to keep your outdoor furniture in fantastic shape, you should store it all when preparing your patio for the fall or winter. Or perhaps you see bad weather coming and need to temporarily store your furnishings because of it. Regardless of the reason, it’s crucial to understand how to store outdoor cushions.

    The value of your patio furniture will increase with proper storage, which won’t require much more time for maintenance.

    There is a good chance that you have a couch if your outdoor space has a guest section. Couch cushions, particularly those constructed of cloth, are vulnerable to weather, mold, and water damage.

    What is the right way to store them?

    ● Wash your outdoor cushions in warm water and dish soap before putting them away.

    ● Clean the cushions, then allow them to air dry.

    ● When your outdoor cushions are dry, you can store them under tarps or blankets, in fabric storage bags, heavy-duty garbage bags, or in airtight containers.

    ● Ensure that your cushions are kept in a dry, warm environment.

    ● To prevent stains or water damage, keep them above the ground if at all feasible.

    ● Additionally, keep your cushions out of the way of any pests that might try to nest or consume them during the chilly winter months.


    When Do You Need to Store an Outdoor Cushions?

    In general, you should store your outdoor cushions whenever there’s likely to be inclement weather and you won’t be using them for a while. In other words, don’t leave them out all year round. Strong sunshine can harm cushions by fading the fabric and deteriorating the padding, while rain can make patio cushions mildew.


    Clean your cushions before storing them

    Make sure to thoroughly clean your patio cushions before storing them. Remove any dirt or debris, then clean according to the label’s recommendations. While some cushions have covers that can be removed, some merely need to be spot cleaned.

    Storage Ideas for Outdoor Patio Cushions

    Secure patio cushion storage comes in a variety of forms. Can you store outdoor cushions in garbage bags? This is a frequently asked question. In a technical sense, you can.

    The large, black waste bags are a wonderful choice because they shield your pillows from direct sunlight. That is particularly true of large outdoor cushions.

    Garbage bags aren’t always the ideal option for long-term storage, though. Here are a few more things to think about.

    How to Prepare Your Cushions for Storage

    You should prepare your pillows before storing them away for the winter. Make sure your patio furniture is safely stowed away by using the steps below.

    ● Shake your cushions to get rid of any collected loose dirt and debris.

    ● By vacuuming your cushions, you can go a step further.

    ● Perform a Quick Spot Removal – If the cushion coverings can be removed, do so.

    ● Then, gently dab any stains or smudges to remove them with a clean cloth and warm, soapy water.

    ● If the covers won’t remove, you can still spot-clean them while they’re attached.

    ● Allow cushions and covers to air dry


    The last thing you want to do when storing your patio cushions is to do so while they are still wet because this will result in molds growth.


    They should be spread out in a warm, dry area with as much air flowing around them as you can. Till they are completely dry, leave them there. Place Your Cushions in a Warm, Dry Area – When your cushions are completely dry, stack them in a storage container or on a shelf until you’re ready to remove them.

    ● Clean the covers

    It’s crucial to clean the covers of your outdoor cushions before storing them. Simply wash the cloth like you would most other textiles, and if the manufacturer recommends it, you can add a little bit of bleach.

    This eliminates any mildew, and washing should get rid of most (if not all) of the stains that accumulated outside. If this doesn’t work, specialized cleaners may be used if the fabric permits it and the manufacturer’s instructions think it appropriate.

    ● Select the appropriate environments

    When storing outdoor cushions, make sure the area is free from moisture and soiled conditions.

    This will prevent things from degrading to the point where they might even seem worse than when you started, making them ready to be used again sooner.

    You should also stay away from dust. The easiest method to accomplish this is to store your outdoor cushions by first putting them in a rubbish bag. After that, a cabinet, box, or other enclosed location is the ideal place for your outdoor seat cushions to reside. Consumers don’t always know where and how to keep indoor cushions, but that shouldn’t be the case.

    ● Ways to store your outdoor cushion

    Trash bags made of strong strength material and tarps or blankets are two of the simplest ways to store outdoor furniture.

    ● Heavy trash bags

    Simply place the cushions in the garbage bags and place them on a shelf to use them. Depending on the size of the garbage bag and cushions, one cushion should fit in each one.

    ● Tarps or blankets

    The cushions can also be covered with tarps or blankets. Be sure to wrap the top and bottom as well. To preserve your cushions in excellent shape for many years to come, store them on a higher shelf.

    ● Fabric storage bags

    You might be able to purchase fabric storage bins or boxes that will suit your couch cushions. Small couch pillows can fit in something like these Amazon bags. Ask the manufacturer if they have any storage containers or bags.

    ● Airtight containers

    Couch cushions can also be kept in sealed containers, which is the safest alternative. Large plastic containers with lids are ideal. Costlier than trash bags or tarps will be the containers themselves. However, your cushions will be more shielded from the elements and water damage.

    ● Waterproof deck storage containers

    A deck box is another sturdy choice for storing couch cushions. Although it is initially somewhat expensive, it can, as the name implies, last a lifetime.

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